Books on Bookbinding and Visualizing

Non-Adhesive Binding Volume II:
1- 2- & 3-Section Sewings

6 x 9 inches, 320 pages
smyth-sewn paperback
ISBN 0-9637682-2-0


Bound / softcover


Unbound / books in sheets*

*unbound sections that can be bound by hand
Volume II is an encyclopedia of ideas for binding one, two or three sections onto paper or vellum covers. These booklets are ideal for smaller projects by book artists, printmakers and calligraphers that don’t require hundreds of pages and offer a handsome presentation. These sewings require no equipment, only a needle, thread and scissors.

The sewing path of each book creates a decorative pattern on the spine. Described by text, diagrams and photographs, almost all of the 122 sewings were devised by the author as the book was written. In addition, there are 42 photographs of bindings by 22 contemporary binders.

Note: This book was laid out so that an unbound version available as “f&gs” (folded and gathered sections) can be bound as one-, two- and three-section books without interrupting the instructions of a single binding.